Monday, October 12, 2009

What Color Is Sorrow?

You may recall the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The Apostle John echoes something of Old Testament imagery throughout his Apocalypse, and the horsemen are no different (Zechariah 6). Whatever else you make of it, John’s image would be recognized as symbols of political ambition (conquest), war, economic collapse, and plague. If we miss the broadest meaning of such symbols, we can’t hope to make any particular applications.

It should be obvious John is not impressed with human behavior at large. So at least a part of what he says with that image of horsemen is a contrast to what Zechariah saw, with angels reporting quiet and peace. John’s horsemen were anything but. Since man began to record his activities, we see where some urge to conquest always results in war, which destroys the economy and everything supporting life, so that disease runs rampant. Every part of it means death. The four were a team, and you always get them as a package. While the association is altogether natural in sequence, that hardly stops some ambitious politician from inducing the others intentionally.

Is there anyone who still clings to the myth America is peace-loving? Don’t let your love for the people here blind you to what people in other nations rightly see as a bully nation which goes to war for lies. From the American Revolution forward, the whole story of motives has seldom been told, so we get a nice whitewash over sinful human motives. History for kids is the story told by the winning side. We aren’t winning as much, so it’s pretty distressing to see the American Empire crumble. Political ambition is obviously the primary trait of America.

The wars are seldom what is publicly claimed. Here’s a brief exposure:

  • American Revolution: Merchants rejecting regulation of any sort, because they held a radical theology which said God intended for them to prosper materially, and any system or person which interfered was inherently sinful, deserving of death and destruction. Issues of taxation and liberty were mostly propaganda.
  • 1812: We were provoking England with all sorts of naughty trade tactics, threatening to annex Canada against Canadians’ will, etc. We prefer to focus on England’s equally naughty tactics.
  • Civil War: All about taxation, with slavery the mere propaganda issue on both sides. The real movers and shakers in the North were hatefully seeking to plunder the South via taxation. Those in the South were contemptuous. The two sides hated each other because they were two truly different nations.
  • Spanish American War: Objective examination proved the explosion of that ship had nothing to do with Spain, but was a combination of faulty design and construction, plus abuse. We attacked an aging feeble empire like any thug going after an old lady — because we could.

So it goes, but the rest are more complicated, well covered in books and websites. A good and moral people have no need to stomp on others to show their ability to defend themselves.

And wars cost huge amounts of money. It is so easy to ignore how every war so far was the result of economic interests eager to sacrifice the children of others to enrich themselves. Our alleged prosperity after WW2 was manipulated by the same people who cause the Great Depression. As soon as things were stable, they promptly got us into Korea, then Vietnam. All of it leads right to where we are today, on the verge of total economic collapse. Will Grigg rightly says of this time in history: Have a Nice Apocalypse. We are the deadbeat nation.

And it’s not as if we won’t suffer from enough health issues once medical care becomes unaffordable, but we have to all appearances a concerted effort to cripple the nation’s health by hiding real health information to create a population utterly dependent because they can’t avoid getting sick. All the normal human systemic responses to disease are suppressed with fake medicine, so we can’t even ward off or get through a simple head cold. Now, we have this flu vaccine business which stands to fatally cripple the entire nation even more. The vaccines will either spread the disease like wildfire (see “shedding” in relation to the nasal spray vaccine), or cripple the normal immune system (adjuvants), and possibly sterilize an entire generation (also adjuvants). This, from vaccine makers who are downright criminal, with such fine acts as selling AIDS tainted blood products after being warned of the problem.

Paint the horses any color you like. Your government wants you suffering or dead, America. We know some folks in government are just doing what they are told, refusing to think about whether it’s actually right or wrong. Many more don’t care because they’ve been bought, such as Congress. But a few honestly do know how this will turn out, and pursue it with a will. It’s no different from what the Apostle John saw in the Roman Imperial government. Those who aren’t stupid or insane are just plain evil.

Welcome to Apocalypse.


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