Friday, October 16, 2009

The Calvin and Hobbes dream

I get to sleep all I want, stay under a pile of blankets, drink tea and read comic books. I can spend hours watching movies and wasting time on my laptop. I even get to miss my math test. I wish I could do this all the time.

The only catch is I have to have a hacking cough, sore throat and body aches.

… Eh, worth it.

My mom thinks I have H1N1. (Irony!) She even called the doctor and told her so – even though I didn’t have half the symptoms. The diagnosis? The flu, but not swine. Ha. I get to stay home for a WEEK! At the moment sipping ginger ale and searching for my CSI DVD set. It’s somewhere around here!

Book of the day: The Greatest Benefit to Mankind – Roy Porter. (A word about the book – this is incredible fantastic. I’m just waiting to lend this to someone for a good, long read. Ask!)

Photo of the day:

So of course, I was on Stumbleupon. And I found this great site:

where you could design your own house. As I used to have aspirations to become an architect, here is the designed blueprint of my future living room:

I could win a lot of awards for this design. (Will post an actual picture next time.)


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