Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 5: Medicine

I don’t want to look at another pill for at least a few weeks.  I had pills set up in every kind of still life you could possibly imagine and I didn’t like any of them.  Not enough light, too much grain, blah blah blah.  So I decided to photograph some unconventional medicine.

Here is my medicine:

Whiskey has been used for medicine.  A tablespoon of this stuff will help a sore throat and help you sleep.  I’ve heard of mothers rubbing whiskey on their teething child’s gums.  And it’s a great painkiller, whether we’re talking back pain or heart ache.  Ah, Woodford Reserve bourbon… it’s really just an added bonus that it tastes good on the rocks, or as I prefer, arranged in an Old Fashion.

The cool thing about this shot is that I used a light box.  A homemade light box.  That means instead of dropping $$ on some plastic and cloth, you make one for less than $12.  And while it has it’s flaws, it still works.  My good friend Mrs. Rev built one for herself (pictured below) and I’m completely jealous.  So she’s helping me build one this weekend.  I’m very excited.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

Next week’s challenge is “books.”  Don’t forget to check out the flickr pool’s photos or click on the challenger roll to see how everyone else captured “medicine.”  If you’re still on the fence about joining the challenge, come on over.  It’s fun.


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