Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ain't it Funny

Ain’t it funny how a moment, a thought, a song, a person, or better yet, Jesus, can change your life’s course in a nano-second?

I was thinking about that tonight as I watched one of my favorite shows “House”! Granted they do not mention Jesus in this show, unless it’s in vain, it’s weird to me how even in a T.V. show I can see the “God” moments.

Now, I know that sounds incredibly strange, but if you believe in God and Jesus Christ, I’m sure you’ve probably done this too. You’re sitting there, glued to your entertainment box, in the comfort of your home trying to get immersed in the un-reality of it all. Suddenly, you see someone who was dead, the Dr’s had pronounced them, and BAM they’re alive again. My personal favorite scenario is when the Dr’s say that a baby won’t live, or they’ll be permanently damaged in some way, but then God shows up and does the unthinkable in the show, and they’re perfectly fine. Was this just luck, a mis-diagnosis perhaps? I really don’t think so.

We place so much trust in the people yielding the scalpels that I believe sometimes it’s easy for us to forget who is ACTUALLY in charge. A Dr. told someone they would never walk again after a crippling car wreck, a blind person was told they would never see again due to an eye injury, a person in a coma has their family advised by “experts” that they’ll never wake up…they should just pull the plug. What happens to the people that the prognosis was so grim for? They do that which they were told was not possible!

Now, I know that you know as well as I do that this does not just happen in the movies. We all have experiences, family, friends, etc… that all the odds were stacked against, everyone else said it couldn’t happen, or death was the only option out of suffering. What happened? God showed up! In that darkest time, amidst so much doubt, someone somewhere was praying to God that He would lift them out, the body would be healed etc…and He heard that prayer.

This is a message to myself really, a reminder of how little faith it really takes to move mountains, and very little I, we, have at so many points in our lives. How is it that we can put so much trust into a human being who is flawed just like we are? They have the same bad lapses in judgements, more likely than not they have less faith than we do in the Creator above, some a huge ego or cocky attitude that they themselves are mini-gods…deciding who lives and who dies based on their actions.

Imagine what we could do, if we really did have “faith as small as a mustard seed”! How can we find it so easy to trust a human with our lives, but not God? He’s the one who created us, do we really not think that the Master over our blue-prints has our best interest at heart? Do we truly believe that a Dr. can tell us we only have room in our body for 5 babies though God gave us 6? Jon & Kate are prime examples of God knowing better than Dr’s. They were told to “harvest” one or more of their sextuplets so the majority of them would be able to live. What happened next surely surprised the very one’s who told them all 6 wouldn’t make it…they all lived, sure some had close calls, but in the end who let them live? Who gave the Dr and nurses the intelligence, tools, wisdom to deliver and take care of the babies til they were well? You guessed it!

Do not misunderstand, I’m not saying Dr’s and medicine are wrong or evil. He gave someone the knowledge to invent those items to help us, to be His healing hands on earth. We are His hands and His feet…I believe that means Dr’s and pharmaceutical companies too, to an extent. Sometimes we allow the line to get blurred, and put God on the back burner to only listen to what the Dr says. He becomes the “second opinion”, not the 1st.

I suppose I write this to remind myself that even though some of my medicines aren’t working for my migraines, and such, that I should pray God would heal me more so than the meds. Maybe, just maybe, prescriptions aren’t the answer, the Dr. doesn’t know best, or they are so immersed with writting prescrips and helping out the drug companies that they forget about other options. I must remind myself, especially in this time of my sickness, that Dr’s are only the means to act out God’s plan if we listen to Him and let Him take control, and ask Him to guide the Dr. or Surgeon.

We cannot put more trust or faith in man than in God…(Psalms 118:8 says “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” ) we’ve been doing that in this country for the past 30+ years, and all we’ve gotten is 8 years of one party messing everything up, so we vote in another party to “fix” it, but then complain they messed it up, and repeat the cycle by voting back in the other party 8 years later to “fix” the previous parties mistakes. Really where has that gotten us? If we get back to allowing God in the Government, even though they still open the sessions in prayer, and swear in on the Bible they claim has no right in the Government, we wouldn’t need “stimulus” packages that the previous president issued at least twice I can think of, to no avail after…well, except to put us further in debt. Now, the new president thinks this same plan will dig us out of the “crisis” we are in. I ask you to consider the definition of insanity. As Albert Einstein said “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Once you’ve thought about the truth of insanity, look at our Government and ask yourself; who REALLY has your better interest at heart, and who is really going to give a care about you, your home, wallet, family, and future? Who is wiser about what our Nation needs more so than mere men? Not the Government, and no not even dear Obama…yes, you guessed it, God!

The one who gave His life for us is longing to help us out of these pits of despair WE have put ourselves in. He’s right there longing to help us, but we push Him aside as if others know better than He. I urge you to remember, when you think you know what you can handle, when you think someone or a Dr. knows what you or your body can or will do, when you want to give up because life is just too hard, or when you think the Government will be there for you and your needs, these verses give us the answers: Proverbs 3: 5-6 says “5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” and Matthew 17: 20 “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” As Brady Cooper said this past Sunday, “I ain’t seen any mountains being moved” and that tells me how little faith we really have.

I leave you with these two things. 1) A Song “The Answer is Christ” by the Talley Trio says “for all of the problems of life…the answer is Christ. and 2) Philipians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Also, II Timothy 1: 7 ” For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” It’s never too late to get back in the flow, pick up your faith and know that Jesus will see you through…hey, He’s already conquered the death we should have suffered. He’s not going to intentionally harm us after paying such a high ransome for our souls! Pray and read His word to find out what He wants for you, not the world.

In His service and with nothin but love,

Braska “B”

[Via http://braskajennea.wordpress.com]

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