Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Social Media and Organ Donor Participation

Christopher Boyer has recently interviewed Chris Bevolo and also featured the great and creative videos of Half the Men.

Minnesota men in this age category register to be organ and tissue donors at a lower rate than the general population. The Half The Men initiative seeks to raise the rate of registration in this group to 50% by the end of October 2009, resulting in more than 13,000 new organ and tissue registrants. Knowing that one person can save or enhance up to 60 lives through organ and tissue donation, the impact on those waiting for a transplant would be significant.

A few examples how this important issue can reach people through social media/viral videos.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Listening to My Body: but what is it saying??

This ankle injury has been making me think a lot about this idea of “listening” to one’s body. On one hand, listening to my body got me into this trouble in the first place. But then part of me was trying to say something else. What if your body sends you mixed messages?

Today, the 3rd day of my injury, it is feeling a lot better than Sunday. I am limping just the slightest bit. It’s hurting about the same as it was 3rd-day-past, when I sprained it back in August. If I were “listening” to my body, I’d say I’m definitely ready to go to Nia class tomorrow, and running this weekend for SURE. But that’s not what the podiatrist said, and definitely not what I’m supposed to do.

It’s really hard to be compliant when your body is saying it “needs” something other than what you’re doing with/for it. Last night, I put my cast boot on at bedtime. At first (for the first twenty minutes) it felt comforting, like it was holding me in place. But I woke up around midnight and felt like I was encased in some medieval torture device. The plastic edge was digging into my toes, and my ankle was throbbing and searing in discomfort. I thrashed around trying to come into a comfortable position. But I am a diehard stomach-sleeper, and with that comes the position of having the top surfaces of my feet flattened into the mattress. I can’t do that with my ankle cemented at a 90 degree angle. I tried to negotiate with myself, but around 1am my body was shrieking, “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I couldn’t take it.

And because I COULD, I sat up and ripped the velcro belts off the thing, liberated my lower leg – I told myself “just a few minutes,” fell back asleep, and the next thing I knew it was 6am, I was on my stomach and my ankle was in the Forbidden Position. (much like the illustration here) I felt guilty, sheepish and afraid. What if I had just stretched my ligament fragments even further apart?

Today, already I feel myself questioning the need to wear the dumb boot. Come ON! I feel FINE! It’s more of a pain to clomp around in what is essentially a ski boot, than to go barefoot and have a small limp.

Suddenly for some reason I am understanding why and how there are diabetics who pretty much ignore the fact of their disease because they can’t “feel” it. It was that way for me when I had high blood pressure.

I don’t know why it is that I feel that I need to be compliant re my diabetes no matter how I “feel,” but I am feeling more resistant about this ankle thing. Maybe because I don’t really believe that it will be harmful to go without the boot – because it doesn’t hurt. But diabetes doesn’t “hurt” either, not really. (not at THIS point)

It’s a short-term vs long term thing. Grasshopper and ant. I want to dance NOW. I want to run NOW. But if I do that, I could end up with debilitating arthritis. I can keep the vision of diabetic amputees, blindness and kidney failure at the front of my consciousness, because I’ve seen that, and I know it’s real.  Is it just that I haven’t seen people with debilitating arthritis who are saying, “Oh I sprained my ankle a hundred times, and never immobilized it, and look where I am now!” Do I have to see it to believe it??

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some horrific cases of CAM and autism

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is growing in popularity and can be quite lucrative for practitioners of these therapies. CAM is also wending its way into publicly funded scientific medicine in spite of a lack of researched efficacy from solid studies. The strongest support for CAM usually comes from people who give the most weight to anecdotal stories and/or who believe that pharmaceutical companies (and their products) are, for lack of a better word,  evil. To at least balance in some very small way this reliance on positive anecdotal evidence, I offer these case studies from Science-Based Medicine’s blog.

My Friend’s Knee

I saw my friend in the waiting room
of the orthopedic surgeon.
We chatted, reminisced.
Stood disappointed how through the years
we had been so busy.
Had not kept in touch.
Age brings old friends together
in doctors’ offices. 

He had arthroscopic surgery
on his knee
and now needed a lubricant,
which would come from an injection
from the comb, of the crown, of a rooster. 

I asked him if he did not feel bad,
to use our fine feathered friend
in that way.
Seemed politically incorrect. 

We both chuckled.
I knew that in a few hours
at Boston Market
I would use whatever portions
he had not taken.

Ray Brown

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cranks refuse to budge on influenza hoaxes

Friday came and went.  President Obama did as he was scheduled to do, chairing a session of the United Nations Security Council in a meeting directed at nuclear weapons non-proliferation.

This should have silenced some of the cranks, crackpots, crank scientists and hoaxters who had “warned” us that Obama was going to use that opportunity to take over the world and order people to get inoculated against influenza — with some unstated fears that those inoculations would be more dangerous than the flu itself, or turn us all into Volvo-driving, chablis-loving, union-belonging, line-dancing Democrats, or something like that.


No.  Never such luck.

At the post where I debunked the claim that WHO is planning to take over the world with inoculations at the point of a gun, instead of with Auric Goldfinger, SMERSH, KAOS, or Lex Luther, a guy named Simon McDermott complains I don’t give him enough credence.  His letter doesn’t help.

Look:  The World Health Organization is a group of distinguished medical care specialists, public health specialists, and policy wonks, most of whom are too nerdy to want to hold great power — heading up WHO is a stepping stone to no great governmental power position anyone has ever found, least of all at the United Nations, which has no army, no troops of its own of any sort, and advises nations on bettering health care.

The claim that WHO is plotting to take over the world is not just moonbat-shagging silly, it’s completely insane.  It makes no sense on any level, nor is there any evidence to corroborate the claims.  Jane Burgermeister’s website notwithstanding, I have my doubts that she could demonstrate mental competence to enlist as a private in the Russian armed forces.

Moreover, the world faces a crisis in influenza.  With luck and a lot of hard work, we can avoid a spread of a killer flu virus that might make Zero Population Growth look optimistic.  We don’t need hoaxsters, pranksters and fools claiming that influenza is all a great hoax.

Simon said: 

I am a freelance writer and have heavily researched the ‘well known’ and ‘established facts’ written in my article that I posted in my previous comment.

The facts are that the H1N1 vaccine has not been safely tested. It takes years to accurately test and research the effects of a new vaccine.

I have posted a link above to the Mail Online a highly respected national newspaper here in Britain.

The article says that health officials say the vaccine has been thoroughly tested.  No one in the article offers any credible denial of that fact.  The headlines feature an earlier poll of general practitioners alleging that they said the vaccine had not been tested well enough.

Simon:  An out-of-date, nonscientific poll of  GPs in Britain who were underinformed, is not science.

Nor is your reading that story doing “heavy research.”  Googling is not generally considered serious research.

‘First, you exaggerate. Second, that outbreak and the aftereffects are very much on the minds of health officials. Guillan Barre was never linked to the vaccine, by the way. Get some facts, will you?’

This is established fact; although experts now believe that it will be more like one in one million that will contract GBS rather than one in ten thousand.

No, a badly researched, poorly produced story on a local CBS affiliate, migrated to YouTube, does not make something “established fact.”

GBS is rare, but occurs all the time.  We don’t know the cause, and no one has been able to pin any vaccine as a cause of GBS.  After several million people were vaccinated, a few fell ill from GBS.  No research has ever been able to establish any vaccine as a cause of GBS, however — it may be that those people would have fallen ill with GBS whether they got any vaccine or not.  See the CDC’s information page on GBS:

What causes GBS?

It is thought that GBS may be triggered by an infection. The infection that most commonly precedes GBS is caused by a bacterium called Campylobacter jejuni. Other respiratory or intestinal illnesses and other triggers may also precede an episode of GBS. In 1976, vaccination with the swine flu vaccine was associated with getting GBS. Several studies have been done to evaluate if other flu vaccines since 1976 were associated with GBS. Only one of the studies showed an association. That study suggested that one person out of 1 million vaccinated persons may be at risk of GBS associated with the vaccine.

We’ve had that many kids die of swine flu already this year, in Dallas and Tarrant counties in Texas.    Right now, GBS from all causes is less prevalent that deaths from swine flu.

Also here is a list of dangerous substances that are in other vaccines; we can also expect similar material to be in the swine flu vaccine.

Did you know that potatoes contain carcinogens?  Are you aware that the essential nutrient, selenium, is also carcinogenic?  Did you know that an excess of salt can kill a person?  Are you aware that plain old tap water can be deadly, in several ways?

Gosh, a list of “dangerous substances.”  Did you look at the list?  Did you see that the “dangerous substances” include eggs and yeast?  Are you aware that almost every loaf of bread in America contains more eggs and yeast than three years’ worth of all vaccines for a person?

You’re being irresponsible to the point of recklessness.  Yes, people with allergies to eggs should avoid flu vaccines.  No, that doesn’t mean the vaccines are inherently dangerous, that they vaccines don’t work, nor does it mean eggs are inherently dangerous.

It means people who are allergic to eggs should avoid flu vaccines (vaccines are grown in eggs, and some egg proteins remain in influenza vaccines).

Almost all substances are dangerous, when out of place, or in the wrong quantities.  You could note that fact without alarmism and without hysterics.  Dangerous things are all around us.  Flu vaccines fall near the bottom of the danger scales, but near the top of the life-saving scale.

You’re aware that we annually lose around 30,000 people to the pedestrian, seasonal flu?  How many thousands of times greater is the risk of death to flu than death by vaccine?

Research has shown that there are plenty of natural preventative actions that can be taken to protect against catching flu viruses. These are a healthy organic diet, vitamins; such as vitamin D3, regular exercise and certain herbs – all of these are known to boost and strengthen the immune system.

Staying healthy is always a good idea.  H1N1, however, attacks healthy kids.  It’s not a question of natural prevention.  Some people have never been exposed to this particular strain or its cousins, and they have no natural immunity to it.  When it strikes, it strikes quickly.  Most of the deaths in the U.S. from H1N1 are to young people who have taken your natural preventive actions.  Vitamins and organic diets don’t work.

In fact, that’s dangerous advice right there.  A medical professional could be subject to malpractice for the advice you just issued.   Kids, Simon is an amateur — don’t try that at home.

I used to regularly take the seasonal flu vaccine before finding out the dangers of vaccines in general; on the two occasions that I did take it I ended up getting flu shortly after taking the vaccine. Since then I have not taken it and decided to go down the alternative route, which has served me very well as I have not had so much as a cold in over three years.

As people grow older they have fewer colds — you never get the same cold virus twice.  When you’re over 30 or 40, you’ve been exposed to most of the variations on cold viruses.  Your reduction in colds is because you’re older, not because you’re healthier.

Ironically, that’s exactly what you argue against.  You’re more resistant to colds because you’ve been “vaccinated” against them.  The vaccination was natural, by catching the viruses and developing immunity.  For flu, we have to have flu shots for the greatest safety.

Don’t argue against flu vaccines by telling us how effectively the natural method of vaccination has protected you from colds, okay?  You look like an idiot when you do that, suggesting you really don’t understand viruses, how they are passed, nor how human immunity occurs.

Since you seem so eager to poison your body with a substance which is clearly more dangerous than swine flu itself, then who am I to stand in your way.

That’s just a crass, cold and craven lie.  There is not even an insane argument to be made that flu vaccines this year are more dangerous than the flu itself.  That’s crazy talk, terrorist talk.  What do you have against old people that you want to see thousands of them die from the flu?   Since the “death panels” claim turned out to be bogus, you decided to go on a one-man campaign to encourage death among the elderly and ill?

Since you are so eager to poison minds with completely bogus attacks on science, let me urge you to volunteer to forego all flu vaccines, but be exposed to the viruses, for the sake of research.  That way the rest of us could benefit from your bizarre animus to life.

I am sorry to hear that there have been a couple of deaths where you live due to swine flu, but there are much safer alternative and natural preventative actions that can be taken. A healthy nutritionally rich diet should be first on the list before we even consider vaccines, of which there is a huge amount of evidence calling into question, their overall safety and effectiveness when fighting disease.

Call the CDC.  Volunteer for flu exposure now, before the rush.  You’re not sure that the vaccines are safe, but you argue that the flu IS safe?  Let’s see you put your life where your mouth is.

I don’t think you’re that big a fool.  Your that whopping dishonest, but not so big a fool.

The problem is that the majority of western doctors are taught absolute fallacies at medical school and in some cases have been brought up to become nothing more than glorified pill prescribers.

The human immune is an extremely powerful and efficient tool when it comes to fighting disease. The reason that it is susceptible to diseases like swine flu at all is because our diets are so nutritionally poor. In many cases this is due to processed foods (filled with additives and preservatives) and poisons such as aspartame in many of our soft drinks.

I have posted a link above to a site that lists natural preventives and explains that viruses such as swine flu cannot be contracted by a healthy well maintained immune system.

Don’t look now, but you’re obviously suffering a dementia produced by lack of immunity.

In your case, that dementia could be cured with a trip to a library.

What you wrote in that last excerpt is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Thank you, but we’ve already heard the “smart pills” joke.

I am not a ‘crack pot’ and neither are others who show a distinct lack of trust in bodies like the WHO and companies such as Baxter, because history has taught us that they have seriously let us down in the past.

You mean, you advocate crackpot ideas for noble reasons?  Alas, that leaves you in the category of crackpot.  Anyone who thinks killer flu is safer than vaccines is a crackpot, or an idiot, or an agent of evil.  I’m assuming you’re not an idiot, and not an agent of evil.  Can you convince me otherwise?

If after examining the evidence that I have provided you still believe that the vaccine is safe, then be my guest, take it, it is your right to choose, but please do not belittle with your derogatory use of humour those who do not!

The reason I talk about this information is because I want people to be safe, and nobody wants a repeat of the 1976 debacle.

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Shut up.  Nobody wants a repeat of the 1918 debacle, either — and you should be ashamed of campaigning for it as you are.

If we all lived clean and healthy natural lives then there would be no need for vaccines at all.

There you go with that crackpot stuff again.  If you think that chicken pox and shingles would disappear without vaccines, you’re a fool.  If you fail to understand that polio can’t be beaten without vaccines, you’re a greater fool.

If you claim that people could beat chicken pox, smallpox, measles and polio without vaccines, you’re a dangerous tool of crackpot evil.

Maybe it is our social system that needs a rethink, because if you examine Amazonian tribal communities, who have had little to no contact with the outside world, you find a distinct lack of disease in these societies.

There’s a whopper I’d like to see some serious studies on.

That testifies to a lack of virus transmission, but you will also find a distinct surplus of diseases that diet can’t cure.  Someday spend some time studying Huntington’s Disease, Huntington’s Chorea, and how the prevalence of the disease in one of those isolated Amazonian tribes contributed to the search for a cause.  Of course, almost every member of that tribe had the disease.  (It’s genetic, and no vaccine can prevent or cure — yet.)  You’ll also find they die of bacterial diseases that modern medicine can treat — those physicians you mock.

Dirty living equals disease; an unclean polluted environment equals disease; the addition of chemicals to our food, drink and drinking water equals disease; when are we going to wake up and realise that the cause of disease is not some unknown, unfortunate ‘random factor’, but the way we live our lives.

Of course, clean living increases asthma.  A lack of pollution tends to correlate with lack of civilization.  The absence of chlorine in our drinking water contributes to cholera epidemics and typhoid, the lack of fluorine in our water means more dental caries and brain infections.  Trace amounts of iodine in salt have all but eliminated goiter.  When are you going to wake up and realize that some disease causes are well known, some diseases easily preventable, and life is complex and cannot be made perfectly safe with today’s technology, but was a minefield of deadly infections without today’s technology?

If we live our lives soaked in superstition and crank science, we haven’t even a prayer (full irony intended).  You’re not advocating for better health.  You’re ranting about stuff you don’t know about.

Although in the case of Baxter the cause of the so called ’swine flu virus’ may well have been them!

I think there’s a better case that you are the cause of swine flu than there is a case that any drug company manufactured the stuff.  Among other clues you should look at is the prevalence of swine flu in swine populations around the world — today and historically.  Influenza viruses tend to be species specific, and it’s actually quite rare for them to jump species.  That’s why, when they jump, they can be so deadly.

But then, that’s what you’re campaigning for, right?  You’d love to see a virus wipe out most people, especially those with scientific knowledge — right, Simon?


Get an education about flu and other viruses:

  • Centers for Disease Control page on 2009-2010 flu viruses
  • Tara Smith, at Aetiology, “Why I’ll be getting my kids their flu vaccines”; also “What does WHO’s pandemic scale mean? And why is anyone worried about this?”
  • Public Health experts puzzle over why H1N1 is so much more deadly for kids
  • A real physician explains why he got his flu shot
  • revere at Effects Measure explains why one should always get a flu vaccine

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Harriet's Toolbox

Harriet Hall of the Science Based Medicine Blog gave a talk at the Skeptic’s Toolbox workshop at the University of Oregon in August. The power point slides for this talk are now up on the Skeptics Toolbox website for all of us to benefit from. Head over there and check it out, the talk was titled “Tooth Fairy Science and Other Pitfalls: Applying Rigorous Science to Messy Medicine.” and is full of info and humour. Highly recommended.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Chocolate Cure

One hundred years ago, Americans had very different ideas about body image and health. Nutritional experts were worried that people were underfed and undernourished.

It was an easier time for candy lovers. Consider this account of the German “Chocolate Cure,” which ran in a 1914 journal:

In an obscure but picturesque little village of Germany there is a place called “The Chocolate Cure,” where thin people go to become stout; the patients eat and drink cocoa and chocolate all the time, while they rest, admire the scenery, gossip and grow fatter every day. The true secret of the great success of this treatment is the happy way chocolate has of fattening just the right places, settling in the hands, the neck and shoulders, making the fair patient prettier and plumper all the time. The really effective part of the cure may be tried at home by persevering women, and the medicine is so palatable and the methods so simple that there is actually, it seems, no reason why all should not be at least the desired weight.

Source: “The Chocolate Cure,” Confectioners Journal Jan 1914, p. 97.

September 24th News Bits and Pieces: Chavez, Gun Control, Tylenol, and Carly Fiorina

I realize today’s Thrilling Thursday was all but thrilling.  My apologies for the lack of fun, I was out all day and finally got home at 8 o’clock.  Also, the music review has been changed to “brand new eyes” by Paramore and will be posted on Saturday.  Next week will be back to normal, I promise!

News and Politics

U.N. ‘doesn’t smell of sulfur anymore,’ says Chavez

My philosophy: if it makes Chavez happy, don’t do it.  Alright, so that’s not really my philosophy, but we should be a little nervous that these hostile foreign leaders are excited with the Obama presidency and even want him to be the “indefinite leader.”

Bullet Makers ‘Working Overtime’ in US

Yeah, people really do fear that their guns are going to be forcefully removed from their posession.  I don’t own any guns, but I wouldn’t be worried about that if I did.  Barack and gang are too busy working on “healthcare reform” to dabble in things such as a gun ban.  That, and it’s not constitutional.

21 Tylenol Children’s meds recalled

This is why I don’t take medicine unless it’s one million percent necessary.  Basic Tylenol or Advil is just not necessary and it destroys your liver.

Fiorina’s new Web site bashed by Democrats, Republicans

I wasn’t aware that appearance of campaign websites was so important.  I visited the site and I don’t see any problem with it.  It’s fun and happy, and you definitely remember it.  Isn’t that a good thing?

What do you think of the news of the day?  Leave your comments below or send an e-mail to  Don’t forget to bookmark The Conservative Journal and sign up for the RSS Feed and the daily e-mail newsletter.

Also, Deluxe Membership is now available, click here to join for free and you could win a brand new netbook!

Thanks for reading!


Also, be sure and use the new rating feature, found at the bottom of comments and posts!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bitter Pill

This article in the New York Times talks about methods being developed by pharmaceutical companies to make their drugs tamper proof.  Processes include encasing them in rubberlike material or adding ingredients that will cause unpleasant physical reactions such as flushing or itching if the pill is crushed.  The reasoning is that most people who abuse painkillers will crush them into a powder to snort them or liquefy and inject them in order to get a faster high.  By making them unalterable, it will help deter painkiller abuse.  Whether this will actually work is debatable.  Serious drug users will simply ingest them whole.  And one thing the article does not mention is that junkies usually find a way to get around such impediments.  Soon or later an enterprising addict will figure out how to extract the drug from the casing without damage.

As the author points out while these new drugs may make it more difficult for addicts to get an immediate high, this is only a superficial solution to a serious problem. Prescription drug abuse costs the United States billions in excessive medicare costs.  The real problem is easy access to prescription pills.

Greater measures are necessary including doctors assessing the vulnerability of their patients to addiction and monitoring them for signs of potential abuse which means more frequent doctor visits.  A patient training program in which patients are warned about the legal repercussions of sharing their drugs should also be part of the strategy.

There also needs to be better online monitoring databases which would allow doctors or pharmacists to check whether patients have multiple prescriptions to painkillers.

This would require major changes to the healthcare system in the United States which based on current events is not likely to happen anytime soon.

Unfortunately until these problems are addressed making pills tamper proof is a minor fix at best.

Oushadhi, Medicine

Like astronomy and metaphysics, the Hindus in Medicine also kept pace with the most enlightened nations of the world. The Hindus attained a position thorough proficiency in medicine and surgery as any people whose acquisitions are recorded.

In the Nidana or Diagnosis of Hindu medical books it appears to define and distinguish symptoms with great accuracy. The Hindus had paid great attention to regimen and diet, and there are a number of works on the food and general treatment suited to the complaint, or favourable to the operation of the medicine administered. This branch of work is entitled as Pathyapathya.

After Diagnosis, the Chikitsa, or medical treatment of diseases was introduced. In Chikitsa the subject are a variety of compositions, containing much absurdity with much that is of value. Then is the Rasavidya, or Pharmacy, in which they are most deficient.

In the Ayurveda the medical writings of highest antiquity and authority are considered to be a portion of the fourth or Atharva Veda, and are consequently the work of Brahma. The art of Ayurveda was communicated to Daksha, one of the Prajapati, and by him the two Asvins, the sons of Surya, the Sun, were instructed in it. Then the two became the medical attendants of the gods.

The duties of the Asvins were to treat the gods and demons when they are wounded after the war and conflict between them. The Asvins was designated to give chirurgical aid to the wounded gods and demons.

The meaning of these legendary absurdities is clear enough, and is conformable to the tenor of all history. Man, in the semi barbarous state, if not more subject to external injuries than internal disease, was at least more likely to seek remedies for the former. These were obvious to his senses, than to imagine the means of relieving the latter, whose nature he could so little comprehend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 5: Medicine

I don’t want to look at another pill for at least a few weeks.  I had pills set up in every kind of still life you could possibly imagine and I didn’t like any of them.  Not enough light, too much grain, blah blah blah.  So I decided to photograph some unconventional medicine.

Here is my medicine:

Whiskey has been used for medicine.  A tablespoon of this stuff will help a sore throat and help you sleep.  I’ve heard of mothers rubbing whiskey on their teething child’s gums.  And it’s a great painkiller, whether we’re talking back pain or heart ache.  Ah, Woodford Reserve bourbon… it’s really just an added bonus that it tastes good on the rocks, or as I prefer, arranged in an Old Fashion.

The cool thing about this shot is that I used a light box.  A homemade light box.  That means instead of dropping $$ on some plastic and cloth, you make one for less than $12.  And while it has it’s flaws, it still works.  My good friend Mrs. Rev built one for herself (pictured below) and I’m completely jealous.  So she’s helping me build one this weekend.  I’m very excited.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

Next week’s challenge is “books.”  Don’t forget to check out the flickr pool’s photos or click on the challenger roll to see how everyone else captured “medicine.”  If you’re still on the fence about joining the challenge, come on over.  It’s fun.

NY Nurses Protests Swine Flu Vaccine-

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Albany nurses and other health professionals are planning to stage a rally next week to protest a state regulation that mandates they will lose their jobs if they refuse to take the swine flu shot, as fears grow about the vaccine’s dangerous ingredients and government plans to forcibly inoculate whole populations with the H1N1 jab.

Earlier today we reported on the case of “Clare,” a daycare worker in Albany who, despite having minimal contact with hospital staff who work in a separate building, an exemption allowed in the official decree, was ordered to take the seasonal flu shot on the spot or be fired. She was also advised that the same procedure would be in place for the swine flu shot, as is outlined in the New York State Department of Health’s emergency regulation issued in August.

Now nurses across the state are standing up against government intimidation to take the shot, pointing out that the vaccine has not been properly tested and contains mercury, squalene and other dangerous additives….

…read more:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Will Twitter Change Healthcare? Ask it!

Obviously not, but it can provide us with some new solutions. That’s why I wanted to share askCH, an interesting project.

AskCH is a one-of-a-kind healthcare tool. Send a healthcare cost or definition question in the proper format, and receive the answer with a link to find detailed information!

So you can send messages via Twitter such as:

  • Cost of [drug name] near [zipcode]

    example tweet: “d askch cost of lexapro near 37211“

  • Generic for [drug name]

    example tweet: “d askch generic for plavix“

  • What is [drug name]

    example tweet: “d askch what is lipitor“

  • What is [health issue]

    example tweet: “d askch what is diabetes“

Actually, I gave it a try and asked them “what is COPD”. The reply was “Sorry, we don’t have a description for copd.”

We will see whether people start using it as its success depends on that.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Elderberry Syrup: DIY Apothecary

I used a bottle with a swing top closure (with rubber washer).  I’ve had this one for years and have used it to store flavored vinegars, liqueurs, and now elderberry syrup.  I believe I bought it at a Cost Plus.

I foraged these elderberries from my neighborhood.  When foraging for elderberries:  never pick red ones, they are not safe to eat, even when cooked.  The twigs and bark of elderberries are toxic and should never be taken internally and when you’re harvesting the berries, which are very small, be sure not to leave any stems on the fruit as these are also toxic.  The berries should not be eaten raw either*.  Cooking makes them safe to use in pies, jams, liqueurs, wines, and syrups.  They also become more flavorful when cooked.

Pouring the water into the pot of berries.

The finished syrup poured into a little shot glass.

Elderberries have been used medicinally for hundreds of years.  The bark,  stems, and leaves have been traditionally used as healing poultices and the berries are used to make syrups to strengthen the immune system, to lessen the symptoms and shorten the durations of colds, coughs, and flus.  The berries have also been used to make jams, jellies, and pies.  It is important to always cook the berries- they are astringent when raw and could potentially make you sick.  Cooking them not only neutralizes the chemicals in them that can make you sick, but it enhances the unique flavor of the berry.  You can use both the American native varieties or the more traditional European varieties to make this recipe.

The proportions of ingredients here come from Rosemary Gladstar’s book “Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health”.  Rosemary Gladstar is one of the leading herbalists in our country and it was her herbal training books that my mom learned from to get her herbology certificate.

I had to do some considerable research to find out about recommended dosage.  I ended up calling my mom for information and what she told me confirmed the information I found online.  It is not possible to overdose on elderberry syrup.  The only ill effect anyone might experience  is a little diarrhea if you eat/drink too many elderberries**, but only in the same way some people experience this eating too much of any fruit.

  • For boosting your child’s immune system during the cold season take a teaspoon every morning and every night.
  • For lessening the symptoms and durations of coughs, colds, sore throats, and flu: take 1 to 2 teaspoons every couple of hours until you are better.

What my mom said is that you can experiment to find what is most effective for you and your family members.  I found some recommendations on line that suggested taking 2 tablespoons a day for adults and 1 tablespoon a day for children to help avoid colds.  So there is a tremendous amount of flexibility here so that you can find what works.

Elderberry Syrup


1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup dried elderberries

3 cups of water

1 cup honey


1.  Put the berries in a medium sized nonreactive sauce pan and cover them with the water.  Bring the water and berries to a boil and then turn the heat down to low and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes.

2.  Smash the berries and then strain them out.  (I use butter muslin over a strainer and then squeeze the muslin to get all the juices I can out of the berries.)

3.  Add the honey and stir well.

4.  When the syrup has cooled put it into bottles (or jars- but bottles will make for easier pouring), label, and store in the refrigerator.   The syrup will keep for 2 to 3 months.

You can freeze any extra elderberries to make additional batches of the syrup as you need it.

*I have seen some extension service information that says you can eat the berries raw, I ate one before I read that they could potentially not be safe to eat raw and was thoroughly unimpressed with the flavor so I am not tempted to eat more raw.  Most sources state that you should cook the berries before eating.

**This is provided you aren’t allergic to elderberries.


Revisited: The importance of hand-washing

I’m glad to notice that the fourth week of September has once again been declared National Clean Hands Week. This is not one of those cheesy designations by Congress; instead, the week of Sept. 20-26 was chosen by the Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) to “encourage a healthy home, workplace and office” with the purchase and use of the cleaning products and oleochemicals made by their trade association members.

I discovered the existence of the SDA with the aid of a framed document posted at my workplace, titled “A Checklist for Washing Hands”. As I’ve written before, my company is big into standard processes so it only makes sense that such a list would be posted in a position of prominence, in the men’s room. Because the document is dated February of 2002, I’m guessing this concern for our health and safety was some type of misdirected response to 9/11.

The checklist is prefaced by results from a survey conducted by the association which asserts that some 40% of American workers don’t wash their hands often or long enough (emphasis SDA’s). Consider that the SDA also claims that 58% of employers don’t encourage better cleanliness habits in their workers. “While most people employ good cleaning habits at home, they have less control in the workplace,” notes director of consumer affairs Nancy Bock, who holds a job apparently even worse than mine. I might think some less-than-positive things about my current employer but I sure can’t say they aren’t concerned about my cleanliness – I mean they posted the checklist in frame.

The list itself is in two parts: when to wash your hands and, of course, how. The “when” includes each time you use the restroom, before and after staff meetings if food is served (I assume that would also cover my company meetings, where bring your own pathetic sandwich is more the rule), after scanning newspapers in the breakroom, before and after a meet-and-greet activity (where you might have to touch grubby customers) and after disposing of freshly killed vermin. Actually, I added that last one myself. I guess it should go without saying, but if we’re going to have a checklist it needs to be thorough and allow no room for old-fashioned notions of common sense.

The “how” of hand-washing is stunning in its detail. You should wet hands with warm running water prior to reaching for soap, either in bar or liquid form; rub hands together to make a lather; wash the front and back of hands for 15 seconds or more; and rinse hands well under warm water. As Bock notes, “washing often, about eight times a day or more (emphasis both of ours) is the first step.” This seems to be bordering on the obsessive-compulsive to me, but of course I’m not selling soap.

I suppose I shouldn’t be mocking the sincere efforts of the Soap and Detergent Association. I really don’t want myself or my coworkers to end up like the little clip-art guy in the corner of the frame with a thermometer in his mouth and an ice bag on his head. Since 1926, under the leadership of a 25-member Board of Directors and over 40 committees, subcommittees, task forces and working groups, the SDA has been dedicated to advancing public understanding of the safety and benefits of cleaning products. I know lobbyists are currently under a bit of a cloud in the public eye, but I just can’t imagine these guys leaning on lawmakers for multi-million-dollar cleanser earmarks.

I decided to go to their website to learn more about the unceasing effort to keep the American public from being so disgusting. In addition to consumer education efforts like the one I encountered, the group is involved in research, government affairs and coordinating efforts with international associations. To encourage these missions, they sponsor two awards — the Glycerine Innovation Award, given in collaboration with the American Oil Chemists’ Society, and an award recognizing the best technical paper in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents. I wonder if I might qualify for next year’s honor with this piece.

As I read on, I’m glad I took advantage of the immediacy of the web rather than relying on six-year-old messages on bathroom walls. Because it seems like things have only gone downhill since the 2002 report. The 2008 study reveals that only 85% of respondents say they always wash their hands after going to the bathroom, down from the previous 92%, and a mere 39% seldom or never wash their hands (emphasis necessary for everyone) after coughing or sneezing. A new feature of the study is an overall grade for the American public, who racks up a not-surprising “C-” for their hand hygiene habits. Once again, we’re excelling at mediocrity.

“Americans should prepare for the onslaught of cold and flu season,” warns Bock ominously. “Cleaning your hands regularly throughout the day can help keep you out of the emergency room.” On the good side, Bock has been promoted to SDA vice president of education since we last heard from her in 2002. I’m just glad to see she still has a job, considering the poor results of the study.

I guess she got credit for some of the additional features now available on the website. New this year are “tips on laundering flood-soiled fabrics,” which I guess is in response to recent natural catastrophes we’ve seen along the Gulf Coast. “As soon as the flood waters have receded, a new priority becomes how to clean up clothes and other fabrics that have been soaked by muddy flood water.” I’m sure that’d be my new priority as I maneuvered around the bloated corpses of cattle as I waded back to the shattered remnants of my life. In case I get some dead cow on my only remaining T-shirt, the SDA has me covered: “to help remove protein stains such as sewage and blood, add an enzyme presoak product to the prewash.” Any chance such a product is sold by your members? I sure hope so.

The SDA has also been busy bringing new demographic groups into the world of the clean and hygienic. They’ve established the “Scrub Club” for kids, which includes the Clean Hands Game and webisodes in which you can meet Gel-Mo, the gelatinous mascot of the S.C. And in an attempt to reach out to teenagers, a rap song was commissioned from the students at Sampson Smith Middle School. I’m sure some of the cred of the song is lost without the accompanying thumping bass-line, but if you can imagine the overwhelming rhythm, I can quote the lyrics:

“Yo stop touching that dirty can

Go to the sink and wash your hands,

If you want to go on a date,

Jump up and wash your hands for goodness sake.

Washing your hands is good for you

But if you don’t you’ll get the flu.”

Thanks to the SDA, sounds like we can look forward to a bright and shiny future.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Spider Woman

inside me

Spider Woman sits

over my heart.

8 crazy legs extending through my limbs

and voice,

Thorax spinning webs

Dripping web down my root

Sinking into Earth

Linking into future

a pull on my string

ahead in the time stream

I scramble


to catch that fleeting image



she says


she says

weave words

in written songs

carrying seeds of entire worlds

Life’s Web


spinning reality round

and round

and round


she says

that which you are

that which you came here to be

Spider Woman

spins through my voice

touching the depth in you


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Healing E-Motion

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine

Emotion or energy in motion is healing. When we stop our emotions, we stop energy. We stop healing. Time for a re-write in our traditions today. Perhaps looking back will point our way in the future.

Where is your E moving?

Thank you, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and all of my predecssors.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tech Talk (It's all about the medicine)

Tech Talks are meant to be informative and fun. Giving the public a little bit more insight into websites we have found to be helpful, practical and generally easy to use. These sites are searched out or come across in day to day life and shared with the patrons at our library. Topics have ranged from gadgets, budgeting, and social networking to going green.

After hearing of the multitude of patrons seeking out doctors and/or prescriptions and information, I felt a new concept come to mind.

I’d have a Tech Talk devoted to medical websites that empower and inform our patrons. I thought, “If there are so many sites on gadgets, games, social networking and the like I should be able to provide the same where medicine is concerned.” Then I set to work to make it happen. 

I, by no means am a font of knowledge when it comes to medicine but, I was lucky enough to run into a good source of information in the form of a great nurse named Janet. With all the pieces having fallen into place, I am happy to announce that on Tuesday, September 22nd from 12:30 pm-1:30 pm, we will be having a Tech Talk on sites that seek to help you take control when choosing doctors, be informed about alternative medicines & healthy foods, and find programs on discounted prescriptions.  Hope To See You There!!!

For more information please call the West Palm Beach Public Library @ 561-868-7760.

By LaShonda


Ain't it Funny

Ain’t it funny how a moment, a thought, a song, a person, or better yet, Jesus, can change your life’s course in a nano-second?

I was thinking about that tonight as I watched one of my favorite shows “House”! Granted they do not mention Jesus in this show, unless it’s in vain, it’s weird to me how even in a T.V. show I can see the “God” moments.

Now, I know that sounds incredibly strange, but if you believe in God and Jesus Christ, I’m sure you’ve probably done this too. You’re sitting there, glued to your entertainment box, in the comfort of your home trying to get immersed in the un-reality of it all. Suddenly, you see someone who was dead, the Dr’s had pronounced them, and BAM they’re alive again. My personal favorite scenario is when the Dr’s say that a baby won’t live, or they’ll be permanently damaged in some way, but then God shows up and does the unthinkable in the show, and they’re perfectly fine. Was this just luck, a mis-diagnosis perhaps? I really don’t think so.

We place so much trust in the people yielding the scalpels that I believe sometimes it’s easy for us to forget who is ACTUALLY in charge. A Dr. told someone they would never walk again after a crippling car wreck, a blind person was told they would never see again due to an eye injury, a person in a coma has their family advised by “experts” that they’ll never wake up…they should just pull the plug. What happens to the people that the prognosis was so grim for? They do that which they were told was not possible!

Now, I know that you know as well as I do that this does not just happen in the movies. We all have experiences, family, friends, etc… that all the odds were stacked against, everyone else said it couldn’t happen, or death was the only option out of suffering. What happened? God showed up! In that darkest time, amidst so much doubt, someone somewhere was praying to God that He would lift them out, the body would be healed etc…and He heard that prayer.

This is a message to myself really, a reminder of how little faith it really takes to move mountains, and very little I, we, have at so many points in our lives. How is it that we can put so much trust into a human being who is flawed just like we are? They have the same bad lapses in judgements, more likely than not they have less faith than we do in the Creator above, some a huge ego or cocky attitude that they themselves are mini-gods…deciding who lives and who dies based on their actions.

Imagine what we could do, if we really did have “faith as small as a mustard seed”! How can we find it so easy to trust a human with our lives, but not God? He’s the one who created us, do we really not think that the Master over our blue-prints has our best interest at heart? Do we truly believe that a Dr. can tell us we only have room in our body for 5 babies though God gave us 6? Jon & Kate are prime examples of God knowing better than Dr’s. They were told to “harvest” one or more of their sextuplets so the majority of them would be able to live. What happened next surely surprised the very one’s who told them all 6 wouldn’t make it…they all lived, sure some had close calls, but in the end who let them live? Who gave the Dr and nurses the intelligence, tools, wisdom to deliver and take care of the babies til they were well? You guessed it!

Do not misunderstand, I’m not saying Dr’s and medicine are wrong or evil. He gave someone the knowledge to invent those items to help us, to be His healing hands on earth. We are His hands and His feet…I believe that means Dr’s and pharmaceutical companies too, to an extent. Sometimes we allow the line to get blurred, and put God on the back burner to only listen to what the Dr says. He becomes the “second opinion”, not the 1st.

I suppose I write this to remind myself that even though some of my medicines aren’t working for my migraines, and such, that I should pray God would heal me more so than the meds. Maybe, just maybe, prescriptions aren’t the answer, the Dr. doesn’t know best, or they are so immersed with writting prescrips and helping out the drug companies that they forget about other options. I must remind myself, especially in this time of my sickness, that Dr’s are only the means to act out God’s plan if we listen to Him and let Him take control, and ask Him to guide the Dr. or Surgeon.

We cannot put more trust or faith in man than in God…(Psalms 118:8 says “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” ) we’ve been doing that in this country for the past 30+ years, and all we’ve gotten is 8 years of one party messing everything up, so we vote in another party to “fix” it, but then complain they messed it up, and repeat the cycle by voting back in the other party 8 years later to “fix” the previous parties mistakes. Really where has that gotten us? If we get back to allowing God in the Government, even though they still open the sessions in prayer, and swear in on the Bible they claim has no right in the Government, we wouldn’t need “stimulus” packages that the previous president issued at least twice I can think of, to no avail after…well, except to put us further in debt. Now, the new president thinks this same plan will dig us out of the “crisis” we are in. I ask you to consider the definition of insanity. As Albert Einstein said “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Once you’ve thought about the truth of insanity, look at our Government and ask yourself; who REALLY has your better interest at heart, and who is really going to give a care about you, your home, wallet, family, and future? Who is wiser about what our Nation needs more so than mere men? Not the Government, and no not even dear Obama…yes, you guessed it, God!

The one who gave His life for us is longing to help us out of these pits of despair WE have put ourselves in. He’s right there longing to help us, but we push Him aside as if others know better than He. I urge you to remember, when you think you know what you can handle, when you think someone or a Dr. knows what you or your body can or will do, when you want to give up because life is just too hard, or when you think the Government will be there for you and your needs, these verses give us the answers: Proverbs 3: 5-6 says “5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” and Matthew 17: 20 “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” As Brady Cooper said this past Sunday, “I ain’t seen any mountains being moved” and that tells me how little faith we really have.

I leave you with these two things. 1) A Song “The Answer is Christ” by the Talley Trio says “for all of the problems of life…the answer is Christ. and 2) Philipians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Also, II Timothy 1: 7 ” For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” It’s never too late to get back in the flow, pick up your faith and know that Jesus will see you through…hey, He’s already conquered the death we should have suffered. He’s not going to intentionally harm us after paying such a high ransome for our souls! Pray and read His word to find out what He wants for you, not the world.

In His service and with nothin but love,

Braska “B”


Monday, September 14, 2009

You're a medical student now boy

I got my timetable for the next four years through the other day. It looked rammed. So to try and make it look less scary, I decided to put it onto a year planner. It didn’t work.

The next two years...

The blue bits are lectures, green and pink clinical. And yellow the dreaded exams. Anything not coloured in is “vacation”, otherwise known as “time to desperately revise while earning enough money for next term”. As you can see, there is very little of this. I’m used to Cambridge terms, with the same amount of time off as you spend in lectures! Where am I supposed to fit in all this lounging around watching daytime TV that’s expected of me as a student?



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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ophthalmic Devices Sales Increase at BiCOM Due to Diaton Tonometer - Glaucoma Eye IOP Test Through the Eyelid

BiCOM Inc. is one of the few US medical device companies that has been experiencing staggering growth within last 4 years. Since obtaining FDA clearance for its unique glaucoma IOP eye test through the Eyelid – Diaton Tonometer, the company has increased direct sales force and now covers every US state.  Internationally, Diaton Tonometer is currently available in over 60 countries through various medical device distributors.  CEO of BiCOM, Roman Iospa predicts for healthcare sector and medical diagnostic technology sales to increase.

Glaucoma Eye Test Diaton Tonometer

BiCOM has been in business for 18 years and has managed to build a solid brand around this new and unique transpalpebral tonometry technology which allows to determine intraocular pressure (IOP) through the EYELID .  Traspalpebral (Diaton) Tonometry clientele consists of optometrists and ophthalmologists, military, nursing homes, hospitals, emergency rooms, general medical practitioners and family physicians, as well as some referred patients requiring day or night eye pressure monitoring.

In an interview with Roman Iospa, Chief Executive of BiCOM said, – “We plan to grow Diaton tonometer sales through our broader expansion internationally and continue to gain greater penetration of the market nationally, mainly due to greater awareness and an invaluable addition of new talent with new contacts and years of experience from market leading companies such as Alcon (NYSE:ACL), Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT), Medtronic (NYSE:MDT), CIBA Vision, Novartis (NYSE:NVS), Kimberly-Clark (NYSE:KMB), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE:GSK), Bausch & Lomb, Advanced Medical Optics, Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) and Allergan (NYSE:AGN) just to name a few…”

“Our transpalpebral (through the eyelid) Diaton tonometry is unique, effective and is irreplaceable in various situations where any other corneal tonometry methods (Goldmann, Tonopen, Air puff) simply can not be used”.  Transpalpebral approach is ideal for patients with corneal concerns like conjunctivitis, cornea pathology, keratitis, keratocone, keratoplastik, edema, erosion, high degree of ametropy or astigmatism, keratoprosthesis, or acquiring IOP following laser refractive (LASIK, LASEK, PRK) and other corneal surgeries, “Diaton tonometer has a number of indisputable advantages of measuring through the upper lid and over the sclera (no contact with cornea) without need of anesthetic drops, making the IOP measuring process handy and economical for the doctor and comfortable for the patient,” Mr. Iospa said.

An increase in sales can be attributed to a proper business plan execution and advanced marketing techniques by BiCOM management team and a new set of clinical trials presented by reputable and well-known doctors at various industry events.

In an interview with Ocular Surgery News at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) meeting, Dr. Mark Latina said IOP measurements with the Diaton tonometer are equivalent to Goldmann applanation tonometry. The Diaton device offers a safe, noncontact method of measuring pressure via the eyelid, he said.

“It works,” said Dr. Mark Latina, a glaucoma specialist and the inventor of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), “It gives you a reasonable estimation of the pressure without having to anesthetize the cornea through a transpalpebral approach.”

Results of clinical studies, video presentations and articles are available on the company’s website:

We have asked Mr. Iospa if President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan will have an effect on the future Diaton tonometer sales forecasts, to which Mr. Iospa has replied,  “In short, if it will have an effect, only a positive one.  Evidence suggests that preventive medical care through early diagnosis will save money in the long run and Obama’s health care plan aims to do just that.  We have a diagnostic device on the market and with early detection and treatment, glaucoma can in most cases be controlled and vision preserved.  Per Obama’s plan more people will have medical insurance and will need to be screened, which in turn will create more demand for our diagnostic product.”

BiCOM, a privately held company has increased its outlook for 2009 due to its plans to expand the product reach domestically and internationally. A growing need for glaucoma screenings in the aging population globally, combined with the unique transpalpebral method, allows BiCOM to position itself strongly within the growing eyecare diagnostic and medical devices industry.

BiCOM management also confirmed their expansion plans to introduce two additional medical products this year, a result of a number of earlier investments BiCOM made into medical innovation; details and amounts were not disclosed.

About BiCOM Inc.

BiCOM, with its 18 years of tradition and global clientele, has proven to be the enterprise of the highest level of professionalism, integrity and financial solvency. A unique team of engineers, medical, legal and business experts makes BiCOM Inc. the right place for global talent to find support and guidance. BiCOM Inc. sees its mission in bringing to market innovative products developed and manufactured worldwide.

BiCOM represents and supports Diaton tonometer in over 60 countries through its international medical equipment and ophthalmic devices distributors and growing.


Friday, September 11, 2009

NHS - A culture that discourages doctors from taking sick leave

If you’ve spent any time at an NHS hospital as a patient, visitor or member of staff, you may have had the misfortune to come across a doctor who is clearly not well enough to be at work. whether they’ve got a raging cold or flu or conjunctivitis, they’re still battling away to do their job. you may ask yourself ‘why?’ why are these doctors at work when they are unwell and therefore unsafe to work. They are putting themselves in danger and they are putting their patients at risk too, a risk that is two-fold. Firstly they are putting their patients at risk of catching the lurgy they are dragging around with them and secondly they are putting them at risk of unsafe medical practices because they are not fit to work.

I would like to give you a little insight into what is going on in that sick doctors mind. I have gone to work when i’ve felt under the weather because there is often times no provision made for you if your are unwell. You know that you’re the only one from your team who will be able to cover the ward that day, and if you don’t go in, then who will look after your patients? Similarly, If you’re on call and you call in sick, there is no provision for someone to take over your duties, the on-call team will just have to suck it up and cover for you – i.e they will have to  pick up your slack. So there is a massive sense of guilt that makes you drag yourself into work. Guilt that you will let your patients and the members of your team down.

You may ask yourself why there is no immediate provision that can be tapped to cover doctors who may have to call in sick. After all it is a relatively high risk field – decisions made by doctors every day can be life or death decisions. Planes don’t take off if the co-pilot is not there, so why are doctors allowed to practice if the whole team is not there? The cynical answer to this is that management don’t want to fork out for locum doctors to cover those who call in sick and that the NHS is unfortunately run on guilt. We all work late, do unpaid overtime and cover absent colleagues duties because we know that it is our patients who will suffer if we do not. Often times there are holes in the rota that have been known about for weeks, but the assumption is always made by management and admin staff that some poor mug will take on additional duties and hold the on-call bleep because that’s the way it’s always been. health and safety although drilled into us is conveniently swept under the carpet and away we go! Unfortunately this culture is perpetuated by doctors themselves – doctors who will step up to the plate because consultants and particularly consultants in management positions will expect and pressurise you to. After all, things were a lot worse in their time – no European working time directive during their training.

I’m writing this post because i recently had to call in sick on a week end on-call and it turned out I had to have emergency surgery and am now coming up to my second week off work. I felt so guilty on saturday morning that after taking two paracetamol to ease my pain, I did almost go into work. Subsequently, I have had numerous calls and e-mails asking me when i’ll return to work (despite the fact that I have informed medical staffing of the situation), but have felt completely unsupported and have even been told to arrange a swap for a week of nights which I’m am not fit enough to work. Just a ‘I hope you’re recovering well’ at the beginning of a phone conversation or e-mail would go a long way. Returning to work after 2-3 weeks off sick is a daunting prospect, but no one has had a conversation with me about easing me back into work at a comfortable pace. The attitude is very unsympathetic. As a work colleague used to say to me, ‘just man-up and get on with it’! It turns out that the NHS is the worst at looking after it’s sick staff. Oh the irony!

I don’t want anyone to think that I’m a bitter junior doctor who is raging against the NHS. Unfortunately the system is flawed in many ways. Cutting staff (as suggested by a leaked department of health report) is clearly not a viable answer! I do not switch off at 5 o’clock because that’s when I stop being paid, but go home when all my patients are sorted out because cheesily I got into the game to help people and wouldn’t want someone to leave one of my family/friends with out an adequate treatment plan because they clocked off at 5. The NHS is a marvellous service. I myself cannot fault the treatment I received during my recent hospital admission.

I just want to send one message out to all the managers and consultants running the NHS. Don’t forget that us junior doctors are human too. We get sick and sometimes need a kind word and encouragement to help us back when we have fallen off the horse. Many of us feel privileged to be doing the job we do, but don’t take us for granted. Appreciate us.


Medical Astrology and Energy Illnesses

I have become quite interested recently in medical astrology.  This fascinating area has much to say on the health of the individual according to their birth chart.  For now, I want to talk peculiarly about the relationship between Neptune, endorphins and chronic fatigue syndrome.  Recently, I noted how codeine in amounts produces or triggers identical symptoms in a healthy patient as those of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) and depression.  As codeine acts chemically in the brain as endorphins do, I would like to submit that an endorphin imbalance of sorts is primary behind incidents of cfs and depression.  That this relationship has already been postulated by medical science is of no surprise; however, western medical science could not explain for what reason these interactions are occurring.  I think I can: Neptune.  Look to the energies represented in archetype by this mysterious planet to find the underlying causes of all energy illness (and maybe even some cancers).  Viral infections have long been suspected in causing cfs.  I agree that they are involved, though I dispute a direct causal relationship between these viruses and cfs.  Neptune allows them to get a hold in the brain, affecting the endorphins to create the post-viral state that typifies much of the human experience with cfs.  Stay tuned…more to come.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chlamydia: Makes you feel manly

Really. And so, apparently, does contracting genital warts. Who knew?

Upon learning they’ve been infected with a sexually transmitted disease, some young people simply see themselves as unlucky, while others undergo a maturation process which leads them to be more careful in their sexual habits, according to midwife and University of Skövde researcher Kina Hammarlund.

But members of a third group – consisting entirely of young men – succeed in transforming their diseases into a sign of their manhood.

With other male friends slapping on the shoulders and offering encouraging comments about “success with the ladies”, young men who contract diseases such as chlamydia or genital warts can come to view their infection as a badge of honour, rather than a serious health problem.


Op Ed:With Employer Mandate, Feds Actually Mandate Job Losses

By Janet Trautwein,

With each passing day, the price tag for Congress’s health reform plan seems to shoot higher. Nervous lawmakers are flailing about in search of the trillions of dollars they need.

The latest “solution” is to make somebody else pay for it. Several lawmakers are looking to mandate that businesses pick up the health insurance tab for employees and their families or face a hefty payroll tax.

Unfortunately, this “pay-or-play” ultimatum would cripple businesses, particularly smaller ones that have been reeling because of the recession. In the end, by mandating that employers provide insurance, Congress would force many of the workers they’re trying to help out of their jobs.

How would pay-or-play work? The House Democrats’ plan would compel firms with annual payrolls of $500,000 or more to cover at least 72.5 percent of an individual worker’s insurance premium or 65 percent of the premium for each worker’s family. If a business chose not to play along, it’d pay a tax of between 2 and 8 percent of its employees’ wages.

Health plans would have to meet federal standards for minimum benefits, co-pays, deductibles, and the like — even if the employee didn’t want a policy that adhered to such standards.

A study from the National Federation of Independent Business concluded that an employer mandate would cause the economy to lose 1.6 million jobs within the first five years. The Congressional Budget Office warns that low-wage jobs would be among the first eliminated — a cruel blow to those at the bottom of the economic ladder trying to work their way up.

Of course, we expect the nation’s largest companies to provide coverage for their employees. But under the House plan, even small businesses with razor-thin profit margins would be forced to provide insurance for their workers. A mom-and-pop firm with just six employees each earning a five-figure salary, for instance, would easily surpass the $500,000 payroll threshold where the mandate would kick in.

Most employers already provide health benefits to their employees without being bullied to do so, despite soaring health care costs. Indeed, 71 percent of Americans employed by private firms have access to employer-sponsored health benefits.

These employers invest in their workers’ health because they know that doing so will help them attract and retain the best workers and build a productive workforce.

And although it’s politically popular to blame employers for our nation’s current health care woes, an employer mandate would do nothing to address the real culprit in our country’s health care crisis — rising costs.

Requiring businesses to purchase insurance coverage they can’t afford will do little to reduce the number of uninsured. In fact, by making the cost of labor even higher, an employer mandate may increase the number of uninsured, as companies hold off on hiring new workers — whom they’d immediately have to cover.

Congress may think an employer mandate compels businesses to do their part to pay for health reform. Unfortunately, the pay-or-play plan under consideration would drive down wages and employment, drive up the price of health care, and drive many firms out of business altogether.

Janet Trautwein is CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Entheogens: sacred or profane?

Review some of the key controversies around “entheogens”: what are some of the prevailing understandings of these kinds of substances in ritual? How have such ‘drugs’ been considered sacred and/or profane?

The use of consciousness altering substances has been present in religions around the world for thousands of years. The most known is the red wine a Christian priest drinks during mass, a symbol to embody Christ. In South America the eating of peyote cacti or the ingestion of a hoasca tea, a psychoactive concoction, is still used as part of religious rites. However, after colonial occupation and today’s increasing globalisation with the pursuit of universal rights, the consumption of such substances is becoming more and more controversial.

The following paper will assess entheogens, starting with some of the prevailing understandings of such ‘drugs’ and how these might be seen as sacred or profane. After defining the most important terms I will argue that peyote is used in American Indian cultures as a guiding way to divinity, in healing rituals and as a tool for communicating with the gods. The paper will continue to describe some of the views represented by western culture, such as the abusive or recreational use of such illegal ‘drugs’. Then this paper will go on and give examples of its sacred role in rites concluding that although these psychoactive substances are seen as profane by westerners, their sacred status has to be acknowledged.

Definition of terms:


Entheogens (translated: god within) are psychoactive substances found in a plant or herb with a sacramental purpose to a religious group. The substance can be consumed in different ways e.g. unprocessed, dried or in a concoction but always in a religious context, mostly in rituals (Council on Spiritual Practice 2009).

Sacred and Profane:

Objects, events and beings are defined as sacred when these are classified as different to the ordinary world (Barfield 1997:416). A rock, a tree, a plant, a priest or a shaman is considered as sacred through the existing association with a spirit, the ancestors or other magical forces while everything in the ‘ordinary’ world is seen as profane (Barfield 1997:416). Something is either sacred or profane, one or the other.

The next Chapter will outline some of the understandings of entheogens giving examples of healing rituals, the role of peyote to find spiritual levitation as well as prevailing views in western society.

One of the several uses which helps understand entheogens in rituals is its purpose in healing ceremonies. In northern Peru, Anthropologists have only recently discovered the potential of traditional healing ceremonies to help cure people in the city slums. The plant ayahuasca is brewed into a tea and in a ceremony which is true to old beliefs the shaman seeks to cure the patient from pain (Dobkin de Rios 1973:69). After the shaman finished preparing the brew the patient ingests it, followed by the shaman himself who chants songs in Quechua, the local indigenous language. This psychoactive trance helps the shaman to find the cause of the pain which is mostly of magical origin, as well as to neutralise evil magic (Dobkin de Rios 1973:78). In this specific example traditional medicine is more effective that ‘western’ medicine, because as Dobkin de Rios (1973:69) argues it includes the cultural background and hence effects on a psychological level. It his highly contextualised and includes the patients’ spiritual background. My presumption is that it could be a variation of the placebo effect, although in a cultural context with the inclusion of the spiritual world. Perhaps it is simply not possible to comprehend the role of entheogens in healing ceremonies for someone who has not gone through this experience.

Visions under the influence of entheogens such as peyote are often interpreted as a form of communication between the gods and the people. The ingestion of entheogens, being a psychoactive substance, in most cases leads to visual ‘trips’. In these, the consumer sees people or things from the environment such as snakes or plants (Schaefer 1996:159). In the case of the pilgrimage of the Huichol Indians which will be described in greater detail later in this paper, peyote is collected to help guide the pilgrims home (Benitez 1975:135). Also, in the above mentioned healing ceremony the shaman can see under the huasca vision what spirits have caused an illness and how he can cure it (Dobkin de Rios 1973:78). These are just two examples that show the significance of psychoactive substances as an intrinsic part of Indigenous American rituals especially as a tool for communicating with the divine world.

On the contrary, entheogens are often seen simply as illegal ‘drugs’. Members of western society who are unfamiliar with such substances and the attached practices will deem them as socially unacceptable. This has led to a court case where members of the Uniao do Vegetal (UDV) church in America have fought for the legal consumption and possession of huasca (Earth Erowid [EE] 2006:1). First of all, it is simply understood as a substance which falls under the Controlled Substances Act (EE 2006:4) and hence is declared as illegal. The main concerns brought forward by the Government are the potential diversion from church members to non-members and the apparently proven health risks (Erowid 2006:5).  In this particular case however, the government lost the court hearing because it failed to demonstrate the alleged negative effects of huasca, whereas the church could show that the plant is part of a “sincere religious exercise” (Erowid 2006:5). Yet the fact that this case was taken to court shows the controversy around the plant. In particular it shows that entheogens are not understood as religious sacrament but as a ‘drug’ violating the American law. As the judgement of society on social conduct is heavily influenced by the laws inhibited, I argue that entheogens are widely seen as socially unacceptable among western Americans.

As with any drugs which are widespread in western society such as alcohol, marijuana, LSD, Cocain and others, frequent consumers are often categorised as addicts and commonly are looked down upon by others in society. In my opinion it is easy to understand how consumers of peyote or huasca can be seen as drug addicts. However my argument is that judging the use of entheogens easily as a ‘drug’ is simply due to social prejudices. This is solely due to the ignorant, uneducated and ethnocentric view of the masses of people outside indigenous groups who lack understanding of these substances. If taken out of the religious context peyote loses its significance and can be seen as any other mind altering drug, an act of leisure or form of escaping reality. The fact that peyote is illegal in the US enforces the negative assumptions, if it is not the major cause for the prejudice. Through the teachings of this course and research for this paper I became familiar with the use of entheogens and distinguish the religious use and the possibly addicted drug consumer. Therefore I understand how people see entheogens as simple ‘drugs’ due to cultural ignorance and legal allegations, but personally do not agree with such views.

Following I will analyse examples from different cultures and their sacred use of entheogens. This seeks to give a brief overview of the religious importance of such substances as well as attempt to create an understanding of the variety of uses by religious practitioners and how it is seen as sacred.

The first example I will give to identify the sacred meaning of peyote is its significance in the annual pilgrimage conducted by the Huichol people in Mexico. The pilgrimage itself has several meanings for the Huichol, but is also referred to as the deer hunt. The term deer is used as a synonym for peyote because in the mythology deer is its spiritual ancestor (La Barre 1969:30). The men go past holy places in the area, continuously praying to their ancestors (La Barre 1969:30) in order to collect peyote on the fourteenth day of the pilgrimage (Benitez 1975:135). Peyote is not consumed until the pilgrims return to their families. Throughout the whole ritual peyote plays several highly complex symbolic roles, mostly representing deities and therefore, as La Barre (1969:33) puts it, Peyote is “deeply rooted in Huichol religion”.

Outlining every day of the fourteen day pilgrimage undertaken by the men would cover several pages hence I will give a brief summary. As part of the preparation, the men wash their heads (Benitez 1975:120). Five days into the journey the women confess their sexual sins in front of the shaman since failure to do so will result in bad visions when consuming peyote. This is interpreted as the haunting of the gods (Schaefer 1996:163).

The pilgrimage which has the final goal of finding peyote has several important roles for Huichol society. Firstly, as La Barre argues (1969:30) it is important for deciding religious arrangements and secondly it maintains social cohesion (Benitez 1975:151). Thirdly I argue that in doing so it annually reinforces the religious belief through an intense practice of prayers, cleansing and consumption of the cactus. The pilgrimage surrounds peyote and although not every ritual is directly related to it, everything contributes to the belief that peyote is not God sent, but furthermore is the “divine presence itself” (Bullis 1990:328). Every act is related to the cactus which is due to this highly sacred role in Huichol ritual.  Altogether, peyote is a sacramental part of religious ceremonies such as the annual Huichol pilgrimage. Visions induced under peyote themselves are not the major concern but the plant itself is. As Benitez (1975:151) concludes, the Huichol do not only pray to peyote, but it is sacred itself.

Because of the heavy impact of entheogens on the nervous system western society has developed a contrasting view on the consumption of such substances. Having researched into the topic and outlined most of the understandings of these substances, generally there has been a separation into two viewpoints. I found that these contrasting understandings were due to the cultural background of the one assessing it. Hence, western culture or more specifically as in the example above the US judicial system, sees substances such as peyote and huasca as an illegal drug and therefore considers these as profane. The US government addressed three issues. Firstly it sought to protect “UDV members’ health and safety” (EE 2006:2), secondly to prevent “the diversion of hoasca from the church to recreational users” (EE 2006:2). Finally the governments’ concern was to respect the 1971 United Nations Convention of Psychotropic Substances (EE 2006:2). All of these arguments against the legal consumption of huasca discard any religious significance deeming it as profane. Besides this example I found little anthropological evidence for the profane existence of entheogens. My explanation is that Anthropology seeks to describe a cause from the cultural point of view or from an emic perspective without being enthocentric. This explains why these often portray entheogens as part of the culture and outline the plant’s sacredness. On the other hand an American court would represent the etic (outside) point of view and judge it under the Controlled Substances Act (EE 2006:2). But even in the case of UDV and huasca, the court had to abandon that the plant was profane and accepted that it is an intrinsic part of the UDV’s religion and rituals. Therefore the District Court had to acknowledge that the substance does not pose a threat to consumers’ health and legalised its consumption by UDV church members because it was a “sincere religious exercise” (EE 2006:5). Overall, this paragraph sought to demonstrate the understanding of entheogens as profane by the American judicial system however showing that in the case of UDV it is a true part of religion and hence is acknowledged as sacred.

Finally I will argue that entheogens are used in rituals as a sacrament which is reflected and profoundly based in the religious belief, often inhibited in the creation myth of the religion. A sign for the divine status of peyote in the relationship to the creation myth can be seen in a linguistic context. As mentioned, among the Huichol peyote is equated with ‘deer’. According to Benitez (1975:89) the deer was the principal food source in “primitive times” and therefore very important for the survival of the people. Its significance is reflected in the mythology. The deer is one of the most ancient deities among the Huichol, even older than the God of Fire. The mythology describes that corn as well as peyote originated from the deer which gives both a highly respectable and important status (Benitez 1975:89). As a frantic Huichol described to Schaefer (1996:138) “peyote is everything, it is the crossing of the souls, it is everything that it. Without peyote nothing would exist”. Bullis (1990:328) gives other examples such as that peyote is a gift from god to the people in need and that the “worshiper prays not only through peyote but to the peyote buttons”.

Another example I want to briefly mention to demonstrate the sacred position of entheogens as part of religious mythology is the consumption of cannabis among Rastafarians. The Rasta movement which started in the 1930s in Jamaica is a syncretic religion, based on Christian and African belief. It is mostly known for its emphasis on the African origin of black people and the use of cannabis as a sacrament. Rastas believe that the plant first appeared on the grave of King Solomon who was the wisest man know to earth (Barret 1988:129). As a result it is known as the “holy herb” or “wisdom weed” because its consumption keeps the mind witty (Barret 1988:129). This statement shows that Rastas believe that by ingesting the plant which derived from a wise and holy person they themselves become wise and reach an elevated spiritual state. Consume it to become like it. I think it is comparable to the English saying “you are what you eat”. Whatever culture it may be, mind altering substances can be used to reinforce the spiritual strength of an individual. It is a form of connection to the spiritual world. Especially strong substances such as the mescaline in peyote give the consumer vivid visual experiences.

This paper sought to demonstrate existing understandings of entheogens, such as its use in healing rituals, a way to communicate with the gods but as well its perceptions as an illegal drug. Mostly these substances are seen as sacred by anthropologists and the culture they are found in. However, western society deems entheogens mostly as profane. My argument is that if one is not familiar with the use, the importance and the symbolical meaning of these substances, the easy presumption is that they are profane. An understanding of the culture helps mediate and possibly eliminate false conclusions. Although never having taken peyote and hence I am unable to understand its effects, through the readings I suggest that these visions help relive the mythological world and connect to the spirits in a form otherwise not comprehendible. Schaefer (1996: 136) sums this up well. The effects caused by peyote eliminate the boundaries between the past and the present and “the gods, the ancestors, the events of Huichol mythic history, become physical and emotional reality”.

References Cited:

Schaefer, S. B. 1996  The Crossing of the Souls: Peyote, Perception, and Meaning among the Huichol Indians.

In S. B. Schaefer & P. E. Furst (Eds.)  People of the Peyote: Huichol Indian History, Religion, and Survival, pp. 136-166. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Benitez, F. 1975  In the Magic Land of Peyote. Austin: University of Texas Press.

La Barre. W. 1969  The Peyote Cult. USA: The Shoestring Press, Inc.

Barfield, T. 1997  The Dictionary of Anthropology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc.

Bullis, R. K. 1990  Swallowing the Scroll: Legal Implications of the Recent Supreme Court Peyote Cases. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 22(3):325-332.

Barrett, L.E. 1977  The Rastafarians – The Dreadlocks of Jamaica. Kingston: Sangster’s Book Stores Ltd.

Dobkin de Rios, M. 1973  Curing with Ayahuasca in an Urban Slum.

In M.J. Harner (ed) Hallucinogens and Shamanism, pp. 67-85. London: Oxford University

Electronic Source Reference List:

Council on Spiritual Practices. 2009  Entheogen Projects [on-line].

Available from:

[Accessed 26 May 2009].

Earth Erowid. 2006  UDV wins Supreme Court decision on preliminary injunction allowing the use of their ayahuasca/hoasca tea [on-line].

Available from:

[Accessed 5 May 2009].


Another update on Daniel Hauser

Three months after the last update on this story, Orac reports this latest update on Daniel Hauser. Despite all the fuss made by his family and crazy “alternative” “medicine” cranks about how chemotherapy would kill him, the 13-year-old boy with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is doing quite well. And now he’s completed his induction course of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, since the family is using quack remedies as well, they’re still deluding themselves into thinking it’s really the bogus remedies doing all the work. Orac sums it up nicely:

Unfortunately, for “alternative” medicine, it’s “heads-I-win-tails-you-lose.” If the patient lives, it’s always because of the “natural” remedies. However, if the patient dies, it was clearly the toxicity of the chemotherapy that killed him. Scientific medicine always loses in the minds of such people. That’s OK, though. We’ll tolerate it as long as science-based medicine keeps saving lives. Because of that nasty, reductionist “Western” medicine, a 13-year-old has a chance at living a long and happy life.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grey's Anatomy (2005-2009)

Faceti cunostinta cu Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), fiica unei faimoase doctor chirurg, Ellis Grey. In prezent este doctor intern la spitalul Seattle Grace din Seatlle * duh *. In prima ei zi, isi intalneste colegii interni :

• Christina Yang(Sandra Oh) – absolventa cu coronita a promotiei ei de la Colegiul Standford. Competitiva si capabila de orice. Are o inima de gheata si e lingusitoare. Oh, si o uraste pe mama ei.

• George O’malley(T.R.Knight) – Un tip care s-a indragostit de Meredith chiar din prima zi. A intrat cu greu in program, fiind singurul membru al familiei cat de cat stralucit. Dragut cu toata lumea, sfios incapabil de a spune o minciuna. Multi i-au prevestit un viitor luminos. Bun prieten cu Izzie.

• Issobel Stevens (Kathrine Heigl) – fosta fotomodel, extrem de optimista. Si-a platit datoriile cu banii castigati din modeling. Frumoasa, inteligenta, delicata si sentimentala, Izzie este genul persoanei care se implica prea mult in cazurile pacientilor ei ajungand mereu sa sufere.

• Alex Karev(Justin Chambers)- dur, hardcore xD , Alex ar fi un Christina, singura diferenta ar fi doar de sex.

Cu totii au fost repartizati la acelasi rezident supranumit de colegii ei, `The Nazi`. Miranda Bailey(Chandra Wilson), desi are 1.50 se face auzita si impune respect. Meredith insa are o surpriza cand afla ca seful ei, este one night stand-ul ei. ( Patrick Dempsey )

Sure, restul serialului ar putea fi descris : ‘ interns gone wild ‘ !, iar serialul in sine este totodata si educativ – cam pe toate planurile , emotionale, anatomice, luati-le cum doriti -.

Primul sezon se termina surprinzator, sotia lui Derek, Addison(Kate Walsh) – ea insasi doctor ginecolog – care vine la Seattle Grace Hospital rugata de catre Seful sectiei de chirurgie, Richard Weber (James Pickens JR.).

Un serial iubit de toata America, care face furori printre tineri. Ajuns deja la finalul celui de-al 5-lea sezon, pe data de 14 septembrie se va lansa ce-l de-al 6-lea sezon .

Internetul duce lipsa de promo-uri de inceput de sezon, asa ca look at this :

Sure, ar fi multe de povestit, insa va las pe voi sa descoperiti restul.

Some quotes just for you!

Katie Bryce: My head is full.

Dr. Meredith Grey: It’s called thinking. Go with it.

Dr. Meredith Grey: Don’t look at me like that.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: Like what?

Dr. Meredith Grey: Like you’ve seen me naked!Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: [standing in the bathroom, outside the shower, where George is] I reminded you before you went.

Dr. George O’Malley: I forgot when I got there.

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: No.

[she opens the shower door]

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: No, you were so passive aggressive!

Dr. George O’Malley: Naked! I am naked in the shower!

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: [closes the shower door] Just tampons, George! I really needed tampons. God!

[Meredith enters the bathroom]

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: I’m not riding in the same car as him.

Dr. Meredith Grey: [looks at Izzie, who is standing in her "Hello Kitty" underwear] Unless you’re going like that, you’re not riding with me either. Where are the tampons?

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: He didn’t buy them.

Dr. Meredith Grey: [to George] You didn’t buy them?

Dr. George O’Malley: Men don’t buy tampons!

Dr. Isobel “Izzie” Stevens: [opens the shower door again, and George falls over] You know what? You’re gonna have to get over the whole man thing, George! We’re women! We have vaginas! Get used to it!

[she walks out of the bathroom, leaving George lying on the floor of the shower]

Dr. George O’Malley: I am not your sister!

[he slams the shower door]Christina: “you know, there’s only 3 carriers I’ve ever wanted: ruler of my own planet, wonder woman or … a surgeont.Really Old Guy [alias Charlie]: “It just means now I have two things to do today : take a pee and die! “

Autor recenzie : twisted3mind

Data : 08 septembrie 2009

Nota : 10+/10
